Our challenge

eLearning-sofun a site dedicated to parents who want to have another perspective on the academic and social-emotional welfare of their children!

our challenges - goal
Photo by Haiiimam on Unsplash

What is our goal with elearning-sofun website and what are our 3 challenges?

Our goal is to develop virtual classes to address the educational needs of a wider audience. We will be using our educational and project management experiences to build step-by-step methods to learn to read, to write etc…

In this endeavor, Jean-Marie and I will learn to work collaboratively. Wish us luck! 😉

This goal is really exciting and we have the desire to build a community to which we are dedicated to serve.

So what would this goal look like?

3 step process

The 1st step is to guide you to inspire your child to read. Also called readiness to learn.

Many emotions are at play when we struggle.

  • We can feel fear of never been able to get it.
  • We can feel a sense of injustice, wondering why can’t I get this and others can?
  • And we can feel sense of frustration, seeing our classmates moving along, while we can’t.

These feelings could be manifested in 2 ways:

  1. To become angry at the situation or with ourself,
  2. To become withdrawn and give up.

To know more read the post: “Your child has challenges with reading?”

“People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.” (Dale Carnegie)

Therefore we want to reassure you and your child that the process will be comfortable, effective and fun!

The 2nd step is to propose step-by-step programs based on lasted neurobiology research of learning to read.

The 3rd step is to be present every step of the way, to accompany you and your child in the process of learning to read.

To kick this off, we are setting ourselves 3 challenges!

Challenge 1: May 1st: Launch site of the eLearning-sofun website with links to social networks: Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.

I should like to draw your attention to following point: we are doing the technical aspect ourselves. It is a hobby for Jean-Marie, and therefore is proficient in computing.

Challenge 2: To start communicating with you through our blog.

  • As of May 1st, start writing 1 or 2 articles per week during the first 100 days of the site.
  • The informations in this blog will pertain to 3 domains:
    • Well being and learning (Sociol Emonional Learning).
    • Neuroscience and learning.
    • And answering your questions.

Challenge 3: Bring you interviews from experts in education and neuroscience.

As well as delivering podcasts and videos on a Youtube channel.

In the meantime, parents and children, eLearning-sofun is for you! If you have questions after reading this post, please send them below. We will answer every question.

We are looking forward to hear from you!

Véronique Rabot

“Learning is intelligence having fun!”

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